To use the Timings parser, please type /timings paste in game, console or RCON. It will then give you a link to view it on this page.

Or paste your timings output below

Connection Handler (previously labeled Player Tick) includes a wide variety of other things, such as sending network packets, handling incoming network packets, packet compression, and packet encryption.

Since received packets can trigger a wide variety of other events (e.g. PlayerMoveEvent, PlayerInteractEvent, EntityDamageByEntityEvent, BlockPlaceEvent, BlockBreakEvent), a high value for this entry might indicate performance problems in plugins, or it may mean that your server simply can't handle the number of players online.

Look for plugin event timings to see if any of them might be causing performance problems.
Full Server Tick is the total of all other timers. If this hits 100%, your server will begin losing TPS.

Full Server Tick cannot be improved directly. Look at other timers to find out where time is being spent.
Scheduler is the total of all Task timings. This includes all time spent running plugin tasks. Look at "Task: " entries to find out which tasks are taking the most time.

Note: Async Tasks are not counted here, since they run in a separate thread.
Self Timings account for time when the parent timer was active, but none of its child timers were active. For example, Entity Movement might use specialized timers to cover certain parts of the movement code, leaving the remainder to self timings.
This timer accounts for the combined CPU time spent by all server Async Task worker threads. This is subdivided into timings for individual async tasks. High numbers here don't directly affect TPS and usually aren't a cause for concern. However, slow async tasks can cause other problems, such as delayed terrain loading.

You might see very large Pct Total numbers here. A value of 100% means that async tasks are maxing out 1 CPU core on average. It will be larger than 100% if multiple workers (and therefore multiple CPU cores) are being used. For example, if you have 4 async workers and they are all maxed out, you would see a value close to 400%.